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FAQ / Is Chilean Sea Bass An Endangered Species?

No. There has been a large decrease in Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing within the Southern Ocean. But any unreported catches from illegal fishing of this valuable fish, however, make effective management difficult. In 2000, more than 16,000 tons of Chilean sea bass were legally harvested in the Antarctic management area. Estimates vary, but there may have been up to twice that amount taken illegally. In the 2006/07 season 13,704 tons of Chilean sea bass were legally harvested in Antarctic waters and the estimated IUU harvest was 3,615 tons, a 70% reduction from the 2001/02, 2002/03 seasons. Therefore, some of the efforts to monitor and deter IUU fishing of Chilean sea bass seem to be working. Some Chilean sea bass fisheries are managed in a responsible manner, but there are some areas where the species has been, and continues to be, overfished.



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